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Just finished my first batch

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 6:06 am
by oneredhen
My wonderful brother got me an EZ caps kit for my birthday, and I finally got around to bottling my first batch. I tried a 2 liter bottle of Motts apple cider (pasturized and vitamin C added, no preservatives).

I added 1/4 tsp of yeast and 1 cup of sugar (well, I think maybe only about 3/4 cups made it in as I have no funnel). It sat in a warm place for about 4.5 days, and I covered it with a box to keep the light out, not sure if that makes a difference.

I made the mistake of opening it fast before I refrigerated it, whoops, cider everywhere! I tried a little tonight and it is wonderful and bubbly! I am taking it to Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. The next time I will let it go longer, I like it drier but it will be perfect for the rest of the family that likes it pretty sweet.

Love EZ caps! So much fun!


Re: Just finished my first batch

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:32 pm
by ezcaps
What a great EZ Caps experience... thanks for sharing it.

One of the things I do to get a "taste" to determine whether or not it's done is to get a glass, turn the EZ Caps bottle upside down pointed towards the glass, and then press on the center of the EZ Caps. Some of the pressure (and liquid) gets released into the glass and I can take a sip and determine whether or not to put it in the 'fridge or let it sit longer.