mikepellerin wrote:Here is a recipe I'd like to convert:
Raspberry Wine
Raspberries 3 lb.
Sugar 2 & 1/2 lb.
Water 1 gallon
Yeast & nutrient
Bring water to a boil and pour it over fruit, then leave it to cool. Mash fruit well, then cover it closely and leave it for four days, stirring daily. Strain through two thick-nesses of muslin on to the sugar, and stir thoroughly to dissolve. Add a good wine yeast and stir well in. Leave for 24 hours, closely covered, in a warm place, the put the liquor into your fermentation vessel, and fit air-lock. Ferment it right out, and when it clears, siphon the wine off the lees into clean bottles.
Thanks, I figured I'd like try this recipe because I love all things raspberry.

Great Recipe! Nice and simple.
AFIR EZ Caps Recipes call for 1/8th tsp of dry "proprietary" yeast per 2L batch of brew. From previous discussions, I believe the yeast to be a robust, top fermenting, yeast with very good attenuation.
That being said let's look at your recipe:
Raspberry Wine
Raspberries 3 lb (1.36kg)
Sugar 2 & 1/2 lb (1.13kg)
Water 1 gallon(US) (3.79L) ---> divide by 3.79 to get to 1 L then multiply by volume of soda bottle to get your desired volume
Yeast & nutrient
To convert to 2L, divide by 3.79 and multiply by 2
Raspberries 0.72kg (1.59 lb)
Sugar 0.6kg (1.32 lb)
Water 2L (0.53 gal US)
Yeast&Nutrient 1/8 tsp dry EZ Caps yeast.
Now, this all depends of course on the size of your soda bottle. Of course you can also do the math in, "lb" as long as you know the US gallon volume of your brewing bottle (
assuming that the recipes are in US gallons and not Imperial gallons, but the logic still applies)
Now to be clear, EZ Caps is primarily a one step fermentation process, as mentioned by a previous poster, however this does not stop you from adding additional items to the bottle AFTER primary fermentation is over. So, Monitor your fermentation each day, what it get crusty and then stop activity, at this point add your extra ingredients. This may result in secondary fermentation, souring, flavouring, etc depending on the additional items. Cap the bottle and let it complete the fermentation. If you desire additional carbonation, add 1/4 to 1/2 a teaspoon of sugar and shake well. Then just give it some additional time.