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EZ Caps beer kit... now available

PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:12 am
by ezcaps

Re: EZ Caps beer kit...coming soon!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:23 pm
by nursgon

Re: EZ Caps beer kit...coming soon!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:41 pm
by ezcaps
Our first big shipment of supplies is en route. I've got enough stuff on hand for a limited offering but I'm still waiting on the USPS flat rate boxes.

The kits will come in two sizes. Enough for 1 gallon of beer and enough for 3 gallons. There will be a small price break on the 3 gallon size.

Our first beer offering will be a pilsner. Coming soon will be a stout, an amber, and a hefeweizen.

Re: EZ Caps beer kit...coming soon!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 12:16 am
by sextus
Cool Sign me up for a STOUT!!!

Re: EZ Caps beer kit...coming soon!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 1:33 am
by ezcaps
sextus wrote:Cool Sign me up for a STOUT!!!

The stout is REALLY good. I'm guessing it will be ready to ship in 6-8 weeks. I gave a glass to a neighbor, not telling her it was homemade she couldn't stop talking about how great it was and wanted to know where she could get a 6-pack. Some of the recipes have required a lot of tweaking to make them awesome but the stout turned out great the first time.

Being a fan of Star Trek and space exploration in general, I have named it Space Stout (say it aloud and it sounds like Spaced Out)

I'm looking for clever names for the Pilsner. Any ideas?

Also, anybody do any graphic art or illustrations? It would be cool to put a beer "label" on the packaging. I couldn't pay much, but something is better than nothing.

Re: EZ Caps beer kit...coming soon!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:58 am
by MrMatt
I can't wait to order several beer kits. In my opinion EZ-caps are perfectly suited for beer making and eliminate the normally high cost of entry for equipment.

Re: EZ Caps beer kit...coming soon!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:50 pm
by ezcaps
MrMatt wrote:I can't wait to order several beer kits. In my opinion EZ-caps are perfectly suited for beer making and eliminate the normally high cost of entry for equipment.

I own all the normal beer making equipment and I will never use it again. The EZ Caps method is so much quicker, easier, and reliable. I like that each 2-liter bottle is a perfect "pitcher" of beer. I tried the Beer Machine and Mr. Beer. Both made good beer but the cost of the beer kits was prohibitive, not to mention the Beer Machine used a lot of expensive parts that frequently break and need replacement immediately after the warranty expires. I also didn't like that they have "regular" beer kits and "premium" (more expensive) beer kits. Shouldn't *all* beer be premium? If I want lousy cheap beer I'll buy a 12-pack.

I have to go to LA this week and whenI get back the final test batch should be done and the first of a series of ingredient shipments should be here. Hopefully I'll be able to ship out some pre-release beer kits to members of this forum next weekend. For the last several months I've been experimenting with different ingredients and yeast strains and I've narrowed it down to the final two strains of yeast. Let me tell you how difficult these months have been having 16 two-liter bottles of beer brewing at any given time requiring taste tests every few days as the beers became ready to drink.

During pre-release I will continue to tinker with the recipes using user feedback. There are dozens of hop strains that beg to be EZ Capped and different varieties of beer that need to be tried.

Re: EZ Caps beer kit...coming soon!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:52 pm
by nursgon

Re: EZ Caps beer kit...coming soon!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:41 am
by MrMatt
Me too! Are you taking names for your first orders? Any idea on initial costs & replenishables?

Re: EZ Caps beer kit...coming soon!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:59 pm
by UglyBhamGuy
How about "Chill Pilsner", as in "Wow! Someone needs a Chill Pilsner".
LOL. 1st thing that came to mind.

"Chill Pils"
"Bottle of Pils"
"Thrills and Chills Pils"

If you served it like an (ugh) Corona, would it be Lemon (or Lime) Pils?

(Douglas McGary.)