Re: [E-Z-Caps] Beer directions clarification

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Re: [E-Z-Caps] Beer directions clarification

Postby yahoo » Fri Oct 23, 2009 8:27 am

If using liquid malt extract syrup (LME) for a 5 gallon
recipe, use 1/5 (1/4 will work too if it's easier to measure, you
don't have to be exact) of the LME per two, 2-liter bottles. Add it
to 4 hot liters of water in a pot and simmer it for 20 minutes. Let
it cool until it is room temperature and then pour it into the
bottles. (use a funnel). Then add the yeast and put on the EZ
Caps. Let it sit at room temperature for 2 weeks. Then put it in
the fridge for 2 days. You can pour the beer straight from the
bottle into your glass. Pour slowly as to not disturb the sediment
on the bottom too badly. It makes excellent beer and there are no
additional bottling steps.

At 06:40 PM 10/20/2009, you wrote:
>I want to make beer with the caps but I don't understand, on the
>instructions it says what to do for beer but then says follow the
>rest of the cider instructions. Does this mean after a week I add a
>cup of table sugar,more yeast and put it somewhere warm for 3 to
>10 days? The adding yeast twice and adding sugar to it does not sound right.
>Yahoo! Groups Links

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